Cemeteries Photographed by - Allen Wheatley
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Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Is this my business? Yes, it was just a hobby but I needed a way to offset expenses so I posted ads on the web pages. For 2 years it was a loosing proposition but it may come close to breaking even or better in the third year. None of the pictures require you to pay or buy anything.
2. Am I related to these people? Probably not. I will not have enough time to research everyone's family tree for them, so don't take it personal if I do not respond in a timely manner. You will get better responses from your family by posting on the Surname Boards at RootsWEB.
3. How can I Help? Take lots of pictures. Build your own WEB site and post the pictures for all of us to use. http://freepages.rootsweb.com offers free space for your project and offers assistance in setting up a site. I can help you too.
4. I can't build a WEB site! There are two wonderful sites that allow you to upload your own pictures without you having to know how to build a web page. Look into http://www.FindAGrave.com or www.genealogy.com/vcem_welcome.html .
5. How are the files named? For single person stones, I use:
LASTNAME FirstName MiddleName NickName BeginDate-EndDate
For multiple persons stones it is
LASTNAME FirstName MiddleName NickName 'and' FirstName MiddleName NickName
For dates:
Date-Date means born-died
-Date means died on date
Date- means birth date ( person may be living or buried elsewhere )
Date Only one date is given - usually a baby born dead or died soon.
Also: if the stone is for a veteran I end with _.JPG instead of the usual .JPG
After the familyname that starts an entry I began putting two or more underscores to indicate a family grouped in the area of a family marker. As I got more groups in a cemetery I just added another _ . That got out of hand when the 5th, 6th, etc groups in a cemetery as 6 _s and7_s look a lot alike so I just put the number of _s after 3 like _4_ and _5_ . I trust this will help keep the groups together in my listings. The problem, the individuals are no longer in order by last name. Have a solution? Let me hear it.
6. What kind of equipment do I use? The first 71,000+ pictures were taken with an HP C200 1 megapixle camera that cost me $29.99 The first 128meg card for the camera cost $94 and the second was $34. The second camera is a Refurbished HP Photosmart 435 3.1 Megapixle that cost me $39. The laptop (cheepest IBM ThinkPad) on sale was $700. The Storage from Rootsweb is free, but I bought the domain teafor2.com to allow flexibility in web site placement and to handle the volumes of mail for about $34 a year. Travel and meals away from home have not been kept track of before 2004 as was already showing great losses and almost no income to offset it. I hope to be able to actually stay in a motel occasionally in the future so I can get full days of photography away from home. The Wireless line at home is great but I would have that anyway. Counting travel, equipment, and internet, I am out about $2000 a year and have only gotten a small fraction of that back from the advertisements.
6a. My how time flies. I had to purchase a new laptop and a new camera since writing the above paragraph. CD, DVD and Disk drive happen more often then I'd like. Pictures take a lot of space. I have retired so I have to watch the pennies closer and my new boss doesn't send me on trips alone.
Home Allen Wheatley Email Re: Cemeteries@tVerizon.net